Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, september 2010
Byrjanabćkur, flokkađ eftir byrjunum
2.9.2010 | 18:54
Hér kemur listi af byrjanabókum, flokkađ eftir byrjunum. Ég rađa bókunum í stafrófsröđ eftir nafni, felli orđiđ "the"eftir ţví sem viđ á svo ţađ sé einfaldara ađ leita eftir nafni. Áhugasamir sendi tölvupóst á eđa hringi í 695 1680.
Anti-Sicilians: A guide for black GM Dorian Rogozenko 2.700.- Tengill
The Berlin Defence GM Igor Lysyj 2641, GM Roman Ovetchkin 4.000.- Tengill
Berlin Wall John Cox 3.990.- Tengill
Fighting the French: a new concept GM Denis Yevseev 3.700.- Tengill
Mayhem in the Morra Marc Esserman 3.990.- Tengill
The Open Games for Black GM Igor Lysyj 2641, GM Roman Ovetchkin 4.000 Tengill
Opening for White Acc. Anand 12 GM Alexander Khalifman 3.800.- Tengill
Opening for white acc. to Anand vol. 14 GM Alexander Khalifman 4.200.- Tengill
The Petroff: an expert guide for black GM Konstantin Sakaev 2.000.- Tengill
The Sharpest Sicilian 2012 GM Kiril Georgiev, Atanas Kolev 4.200.- Tengill
Challenging the Grünfeld Edward Dearing 2.000.- Tengill
The complete Slav I GM Konstantin Sakaev 4.300.- Tengill
The Dynamic Benkö Gambit GM Sergey Kasparov 5.000.- Tengill
GM Repertoire 10 The Tarrasch Defence GM Aagaard, Nikos 4.500.- Tengill
Kill K.I.D. IM Semko Semkov TILBOĐ 2.000.- Tengill
Moscow and anti-Moscow var. GM Alexey Dreev 3.600.- Tengill
Playing 1.d4 the Queen's Gambit GM Lars Schandorff 4.300.- Tengill
Playing 1.d4 The Indian Defences GM Lars Schandorff 4.300.- Tengill
The Ragozin Complex IM Vladimir Barsky 3.500.- Tengill
The Powerful Catalan GM Victor Bologan 4.800.- Tengill
The safest Grunfeld GM Delchev, GM Agrest 4.000.- Tengill
Enski leikurinn og annađ
Creative chess opening preparation GM Viacheslav Eingorn 2.100.- Tengill
The Kaufmann Repertoire for B & W GM Larry Kaufmann 4.800.- Tengill
Opening for white according to Kramnik v 3 GM Khalifman 3.700.- Tengill
Yearbook 102 New in Chess 4.800.- Tengill
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